Shawn Mankad
Associate Professor of Analytics and Stephen P. Zelnak Jr. Scholar at North Carolina State University
Learn about my research Learn about my teaching Learn about my serviceAssociate Professor of Analytics and Stephen P. Zelnak Jr. Scholar at North Carolina State University
Learn about my research Learn about my teaching Learn about my serviceMy research focuses on developing and applying statistical methods for addressing business, economic, and policy issues.
I specialize in using text documents to explain and predict economic variables, and in the modeling of networks to identify communities or influential nodes, and to characterize network structure evolution over time.
Below are selected papers. Download my CV or see my Google Scholar page for the full list of publications and working papers.
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management
Harvard Business Review
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management
Information Systems Research
Selected Working Paper
Journal of Financial Economics
Journal of Financial Stability
Journal of Finance
Economic Letters
Download Trading Urgency statistics: here.
Journal of Financial Markets
Download Sidedness statistics: here.
FEDS Working Paper
Management Science
Download the R package: here.
IISE Transactions
Annals of Applied Statistics
Expert Systems with Applications
Customer Needs and Solutions
Expert Systems with Applications
At NCSU I teach three courses for the undergraduate and MBA program:
1. Introduction to Business Analytics
2. Business Data Analysis with SQL
3. Machine Learning Methods in Business.
While at Cornell I taught three courses for the MBA program:
1. Machine Learning Applications in Business
2. Introduction to SQL and Tableau
3. Business and Information Science Practicum.
While at the University of Maryland, I won an Outstanding Teaching Award through the following courses:
1. Linear models in business
2. Data Analytics
3. Google Online Marketing Challenge.
At NCSU, I currently serve as the inaugural faculty lead for the business analytics concentration. Launched in Fall 2024, this new curriculum is designed to equip students with the skills to collect, analyze and present data effectively, ensuring they are career-ready from day one.
At Cornell I was the the lead faculty for the Digital Technology Immersion, which was launched in Spring 2016 as a joint program with Information Sciences. The program aims to prepare MBA and Info Science MPS students for careers in the digital economy, with courses in strategy and analytics, marketing, and information technology.
You can learn more about the Digital Tech Immersion here.
I have been an active member of the INFORMS Data Mining section and the College on Artificial Intelligence. I served as the Secretary/Treasurer for the Data Mining section from 2013-2015. I was also the conference co-chair for the 2021 INFORMS Workshop on Data Science and a member of the organizing committee for the annual workshop from 2017 - 2021.
Poole College of Management
2801 Founders Drive
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC 27607
Phone: (607) 220-7967
E-mail: smankad@ncsu.edu